This blog details my experiences as a clojurescript contractor, and will often highlight the use of reagent.
- reagent-cookbook
- Examples of how to accomplish specific tasks in a Reagent webapp.
- re-frame-template
- Leiningen template for reagent web app based on the re-frame pattern. Includes figwheel and optionally cider, doo, compjure, garden, less, re-com, and secretary.
- reagent-figwheel
- Leiningen template for Reagent applications in Clojurescript with Figwheel. Optionally includes secretary, cljs.test, garden, less, matchbox/firebase, cider, devcards, keechma, and petrol.
- rid3
- soda-ash
- Soda-ash is an interface between clojurescript's Reagent and Semantic UI React
- baking-soda
- Baking-soda is an interface between clojurescript's reagent and reactstrap (i.e., bootstrap 4 react components) and react-bootstrap (i.e., bootstrap 3 react components)
- reagent-seed
- Clojurescript template for making Reagent applications with Org-mode (includes figwheel, cider, devcards, doo garden, secretary)
- cljs-todomvc
- List of TodoMVC examples that use Clojurescript (om, om next, reagent, re-frame, rum, quiescent, etc.)