Goal: Share an example of a dynamic barchart that showcases how to use d3's General Update Pattern with reagent's form-3 component. Note, detailing how to use d3 itself is not a goal.
Intended Audience: Intermediate clojurescript / d3 developers.
For this post, we are going to start with reagent-cookbook-template, which is useful for demonstration purposes. However, it is not a good template for development (I'd recommend reagent-figwheel or re-frame-template instead).
lein new rc d3-in-reagent
You should see an output like this:
├── project.clj
├── resources
│ └── public
│ └── index.html
└── src
└── cljs
└── d3_in_reagent
└── core.cljs
There are several ways to add d3 to your project; we are going to use cljsjs. Open project.clj
and add d3 to the dependencies vector.
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.122"]
[reagent "0.5.1"]
[cljsjs/d3 "4.2.2-0"] ;; <-- ATTENTION
Open core.cljs
and require d3.
(ns d3-in-reagent.core
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[cljsjs.d3] ;; <-- ATTENTION
To make our barchart, we need to put an SVG element on our page.
(defn viz []
{:id "barchart"}
{:width 300
:height 240}]])
(defn home []
[:h1 "Barchart"]
At this point, run your application (lein cljsbuild once prod
, and then open resources/public/index.html
) to verify that you have an svg on the page. You should see:
<svg width="300" height="240" data-reactid=".0.1.0"></svg>
However, I do not like the statically defined height and width. From experience, I have found that creating functions to generate the height and width works well for making responsive visualizations.
(defonce app-state
{:width 300}))
(defn get-width [ratom]
(:width @ratom))
(defn get-height [ratom]
(let [width (get-width ratom)]
(* 0.8 width)))
(defn viz [ratom]
(let [width (get-width ratom)
height (get-height ratom)]
{:id "barchart"}
{:width width
:height height}]]))
We can test this out by creating a toggle-width button.
(defn btn-toggle-width [ratom]
{:on-click #(swap! ratom update
:width (fn [width]
(if (= 300 width) 500 300)))}
"Toggle width"]])
(defn home []
[:h1 "Barchart"]
[btn-toggle-width app-state]
[viz app-state]
If you click the button, the svg should toggle between:
<svg width="300" height="240" data-reactid=".0.2.0"></svg>
<svg width="500" height="400" data-reactid=".0.2.0"></svg>
Now that we have a dynamically sized svg element, let's add stuff to it! To start, we can add a simple g
element to act as a container for other svg elements.
└── g.container
Ok, I lied. It isn't going to be all that simple. If you haven't done so, familiarize yourself with d3's General Update Pattern and reagent's form-3 component.
From the d3 world, we care about:
enter -> update -> exit
From the reagent/react world, we care about:
reagent-render -> component-did-mount -> component-did-update
Since we are working with two different worlds, I recommend enforcing a strict naming convention:
(defn container-enter [ratom]
(-> (js/d3.select "#barchart svg")
(.append "g")
(.attr "class" "container")))
(defn container-did-mount [ratom]
(container-enter ratom))
(defn viz-render [ratom]
(let [width (get-width ratom)
height (get-height ratom)]
{:id "barchart"}
{:width width
:height height}]]))
(defn viz-did-mount [ratom]
(container-did-mount ratom))
(defn viz [ratom]
{:reagent-render #(viz-render ratom)
:component-did-mount #(viz-did-mount ratom)}))
Let's recap the order of events between d3 and reagent.
component calls its render function, viz-render
component calls its did-mount function, viz-did-mount
calls container-did-mount
calls container-enter
grabs the svg element and appends a g
element.Let's add some data that we can use to generate the bars in our chart.
(defonce app-state
{:width 300
:data [{:x 1}
{:x 2}
{:x 3}]}))
(defn get-data [ratom]
(:data @ratom))
Next, let's add the bars to our svg with the previously discussed naming convention. By the end, our svg structure will look like this.
└── g.container
└── g.bars
└── rect
└── rect
└── rect
*Note: Since this is not a d3 tutorial, I am making the assumption that the d3 bits below make sense.*
(defn bars-enter [ratom]
(let [data (get-data ratom)]
(-> (js/d3.select "#barchart svg .container .bars")
(.selectAll "rect")
(.data (clj->js data))
(.append "rect"))))
(defn bars-update [ratom]
(let [width (get-width ratom)
height (get-height ratom)
data (get-data ratom)
data-n (count data)
rect-height (/ height data-n)
x-scale (-> js/d3
(.domain #js [0 5])
(.range #js [0 width]))]
(-> (js/d3.select "#barchart svg .container .bars")
(.selectAll "rect")
(.data (clj->js data))
(.attr "fill" "green")
(.attr "x" (x-scale 0))
(.attr "y" (fn [_ i]
(* i rect-height)))
(.attr "height" (- rect-height 1))
(.attr "width" (fn [d]
(x-scale (aget d "x")))))))
(defn bars-exit [ratom]
(let [data (get-data ratom)]
(-> (js/d3.select "#barchart svg .container .bars")
(.selectAll "rect")
(.data (clj->js data))
(defn bars-did-update [ratom]
(bars-enter ratom)
(bars-update ratom)
(bars-exit ratom))
(defn bars-did-mount [ratom]
(-> (js/d3.select "#barchart svg .container")
(.append "g")
(.attr "class" "bars"))
(bars-did-update ratom))
Hopefully, at this point the separation of the d3 world, and the reagent/react world is clear.
d3 world:
reagent/react world:
It should be noted that bars-did-update
and bars-did-mount
are almost the same. However, the difference is important to understand. bars-did-mount
will only ever be called once, right after the component has mounted. bars-did-update
will be called on every subsequent render of our component. If we had placed the following:
(-> (js/d3.select "#barchart svg .container")
(.append "g")
(.attr "class" "bars"))
inside of bars-did-update
, we would have created a new g
element every time the component updated … eek!
Now we can add the bars to our svg, as follows.
(defn viz-did-mount [ratom]
;; order matters here
(container-did-mount ratom)
(bars-did-mount ratom))
(defn viz-did-update [ratom]
(bars-did-update ratom))
(defn viz [ratom]
{:reagent-render #(viz-render ratom)
:component-did-mount #(viz-did-mount ratom)
:component-did-update #(viz-did-update ratom)}))
We have actually already written the code to make the bars dynamic! However, to see it, let's add a button that will create random data.
(defn randomize-data [ratom]
(let [points-n (max 2 (rand-int 8))
points (range points-n)
create-x (fn [] (max 1 (rand-int 5)))]
(swap! ratom update :data
(fn []
(mapv #(hash-map :x (create-x))
(defn btn-randomize-data [ratom]
{:on-click #(randomize-data ratom)}
"Randomize data"]])
(defn home []
[:h1 "Barchart"]
[btn-toggle-width app-state]
[btn-randomize-data app-state]
[viz app-state]
If you have any questions, I can be reached in the #reagent channel of the clojurians slack group.
Cheers, gadfly361